The Bachinger Brothers
First of all, how long have you been with PORR? And what are your tasks?
David: I wrote my diploma thesis at the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with PORR in 2017 and was offered a job the following year. Today I work in Operational Management - Execution Digitalisation Support, or OM-EDS for short. This involves digitalisation for the operational area with a focus on civil engineering. And I am a project manager for process optimisation in road construction.
Thomas: I studied at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna. Namely, cultural engineering and water management. Then I specialised in civil engineering and geotechnics. After an internship in the foundation engineering department, I started my career here at PORR in July 2022. Today I work in the geothermal energy division. We produce geothermal probe fields. With heat pumps, the temperature of the ground can then be used for heating or cooling.

Have you always wanted to work in the construction industry?
David: Yes, we grew up on a farm in Upper Austria, where something was always being built. We were always impressed by how a building comes out of nothing.
Thomas: I can well remember that as children we once built a snowman with such big segments, our father had to stack them on top of each other with the tractor. But my interest in the construction industry only developed during my apprenticeship. At the latest during my studies, it was clear to me that I wanted to work in this field.
What did you want to be when you were children?
David: I wanted to be all sorts of things - a carpenter, a rubbish man, a pilot ...
Thomas: I once wanted to be a train driver, but when I was in primary school, I was diagnosed with red-green deficiency. That was the end of that.

What three words would you use to describe each other?
David: Thomas is helpful, reliable and cheerful.
Thomas: That actually applies to both of us. We are also united by our determination. As a big brother, David was always a role model for me. And he was certainly also an important reason why I went to Vienna after my apprenticeship as a technical draughtsman.
And how do you differ?
David: Thomas is patient and always radiates calm and composure. He very rarely gets loud, which impresses me. I can also be a bit quick-tempered.
Thomas: David is very perfectionistic, which is sometimes frustrating in stressful situations. But whether professionally or privately, you can always rely on him.

That sounds very harmonious.
David: Yes, we used to argue, of course, as siblings do. But we explored the world around our parents' farm together much more. Thomas was quite shy as a child, but together we were always strong.
Together you are now also at PORR - how is that for you? Do you spend a lot of time together?
David: We meet for lunch from time to time. We don't have any joint projects, but that can still happen. And we see each other at least every other weekend on the farm in Upper Austria
But on this farm you have a common project.
David: Exactly. In spring 2020, we - together with our brother Simon - launched Dreierlei: We have free-range laying hens, more precisely in mobile chicken coops. So we place a particularly high value on fresh, sustainable and regional production - animal welfare is our top priority.
Thomas: We also run self-service vending machines with products from us and other producers from the region. We now also supply the local food retail trade. And of course, if there is interest, we also supply PORRians.

So there is a third brother, is he also coming to PORR?
David: Simon is 23 and the youngest of us. At the moment he is studying cultural engineering and water management at the Boku in Vienna, just like Thomas used to. So yes, it is possible that his path will also lead him to PORR.
What do you have planned for your future?
David: Things often turn out differently than expected, that's what the past years have taught us. Therefore, it is important for us to always make the best out of every situation and to be satisfied and happy in the process. We are not only brothers, we are also friends. And we want it to stay that way.