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PORR apprenticeship: 3 questions and answers

Cem Rendecioglu - PORRian, apprentice, influencer - on career opportunities and future prospects at PORR.

1. What do you do at PORR?

I've wanted to work at PORR since I was a child - so my wish has come true. And I am very proud of that. I am now in my fourth year of apprenticeship and am doing a double apprenticeship as a concrete and structural engineer in Vienna. For a year now I have also been the youth council for the Viennese apprentices. 

A PORRtrait of Cem
A PORR construction worker wearing a hard hat and high-visibility waistcoat, standing in an unfinished building and looking into the camera.

2. What do you particularly like about the PORR apprenticeship?

What do you particularly like about the PORR apprenticeship?
I particularly appreciate the versatile training and the attractive benefits. And of course the mega-cool PORR Campus. There is an open and cooperative exchange with our Head of Apprenticeship Management in Austria, Petra Karacs, and our works councils. They are all always available to answer our questions. Our achievements are also rewarded with bonuses: if you pass your final apprenticeship examination with a good result, you get EUR 500, with an excellent result even EUR 1,000. There is also a reward for school performance: EUR 50 for an annual report with good results and EUR 100 for excellent results. That's really cool - in addition to praise and recognition, we also get a bonus. You don't get that at every company.

PORR Campus in Vienna
A sign with the inscription "PORR CAMPUS" in large yellow letters mounted on a modern metal frame.

3. What can you achieve with an apprenticeship at PORR?

There are currently 22 apprenticeships in Austria in the areas of construction, blue collar and white collar. For me, the apprenticeship at PORR is one of the best in the whole of Austria - both in terms of training and the support for us 400 apprentices. That's why I also promote it on social media and among my friends and acquaintances. I am impressed that PORR has taken on 160 new apprentices across Austria in 2021 despite the pandemic and that around 90 apprentices have successfully passed their final apprenticeship exams. They all have many opportunities for professional development and specialisation. The PORR apprenticeship is therefore the foundation for a successful career.

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